Monday, March 7, 2011


So I feel like I should have more to write about and update you all on, considering all the changes that have been going on in my life, but I just don't feel like there is that much to say, but I’ll give it a shot.

First of all, about a week ago we got to hear the baby's heartbeat!! What an amazing experience, I know you moms know what I'm talking about when I say that no words can describe what hearing that thump, thump, thump can do to a person. My first thoughts were that this is real; there really is a baby in there. My whole life I have never wanted anything more than to be a mother. I’m sure that it’s probably every little girls hope or dream, but for me it is even more than that; and because I have always wanted it so badly I have always had this fear that it would never happen for me. Many of the reasons why I felt this way was 1. I thought that I wouldn't ever get married, 2. I thought that I wouldn't ever be able to have kids, and 3. I thought that I would die at a young age. I know that all of those reasons are ridiculous, but really, that is what I have always believed would happen; deep down it has always been my biggest fear that one of those things would happen and I would never get the chance to be a mother. So when we decided that it was time to start trying I was dying because I just wanted to know. I just wanted to know if it would or wouldn’t happen. Really I know how silly this all sounds and I would never write this down for the whole world to see except that I want you all to understand how much this baby means to me and how amazed I really am. So when the Doctor found the baby's heartbeat I can't even tell you how incredible it was to know that this is real and that this is really going to happen.

I have started to feel great. No more morning sickness, except for one very random throw-up incident. I haven’t felt sick at all for several weeks and let’s hope this continues. I also have more energy, and by that I mean that I no longer need to go to bed every night at 7:00 pm. I'm still tired and wear out easily but at least I'm not exhausted. I am now in my second trimester and it feels like time is moving so quickly. Summer is right around the corner, even though it happens to be snowing right now, which means that we only have a few months until this baby comes (September 1st). My stomach has also started to pop. I am now sporting a nice round belly (let’s be honest I already had one before but now it is more pronounced). I haven't gained any weight yet and have actually lost 10 pounds since out first appointment. I hope that I continue that streak to the very end; less to lose after. This might be hard, though, since I have already started feeling an increase in my appetite. I'm just going to do my best to choose wisely when it comes to food.

For names David and I have only been able to agree on a few. If it is a girl we like Avery Bea Pierce; Avery because we like the name and Bea (pronounced bee) because of my great aunt Bernice, whom I love and adore. She happens to be very sick right now and probably won't be around much longer. I could not ask for a greater namesake for my child if it is a girl. She is a wonderful lady!

We also like Grayson/Gracin(?) Paul Pierce or Preston (Lynn after David's dad) Pierce if it is a baby boy. I haven't really decided on what sex I think this baby will be. Really, either a boy or girl would be great. We will most likely find out the sex in April. April…that seems so far away!!

So there are the goings on in my life. Maybe not too exciting for all of you, but definitely very exciting for the Pierce Family!!


*Aliese* said...

It's all super exciting! :) Glad you're starting to feel better. I also like the names you're thinking about...I'm a big fan of having names "mean something."

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you guys and I adore your names. You are going to be a really good mom.

Melissa said...

I love hearing all the details. I'm really so excited for both of you and this new little one. Love the name Bea--it reminds me of Judy Blume's Ramona books with her favorite Aunt Bea.

Luthiclan said...

So Exciting!! I love the names!!

Bekster P said...

Beverly Cleary wrote the Ramona books. Sorry, couldn't resist.

Can't wait to find out if it's a niece or nephew.